Little Havana

Car Accident

Car Accident Doctors near Little Havana

Car Accident Doctors near Little Havana

You can get started with a top chiropractic physician just by calling our number or using our digital form to make an appointment online. We can help with chronic pain, can provide secondary care for those who needed urgent medical attention, and can help you recover from an accident injury.

Accident Injuries We Can Help With at Icon Medical

With a top medical team and a great chiropractor in Little Havana on your case, we can handle anything your car accident throws your way. We offer so much more than just chiropractic care for neck pain issues or acute low back pain. With massage and physical therapy treatments available, we can handle full-body pains and auto accident injuries.

Car Accident Doctors near Little Havana Car Accident Doctors near Little Havana Car Accident Doctors near Little Havana

Minor Injuries

In terms of your auto accident, a minor injury could be whiplash, or joint pain, or bruising on your chest from where your seat belt saved your life. These injuries are only minor in the sense that you did not need urgent medical attention for them and perhaps were told to go home after your accident. Just because you could go home, however, does not mean that these injuries do not need treatment.

We can help speed up your recovery and help you say goodbye to your pain. You are also already entitled to the care you will receive from us. It’s built right into your car insurance plan. Treating yourself to care for these more minor injuries isn’t indulgent; it’s included, and not getting care for them just means that you aren’t getting the full benefit of your insurance payout.

Serious Injuries

Serious injuries, in this case, refers to instances where you needed a hospital. You will need to wait before starting treatment with us, but after you have healed to a certain extent, we can take over. Our treatments can help you heal faster and more efficiently. Think of us as your secondary after-care.

Chronic Pain Issues

Chronic pain can come from your accident injury, or it may have been a condition you had prior to your accident. Regardless, you should never have to live with it. We wish we could eliminate all types of chronic pain, but for instances where this is not possible, know that our treatments are perfect for providing you with holistic relief.

There is also no downside to getting regular treatments from our clinic, even more than once a week, so you can get the pain relief you need when you need it.

The Medical Guarantee – Getting the Treatment You Need

We won’t always be able to treat your injury when you come to visit us. There may be an underlying concern that needs to be dealt with first, either at a hospital or by a specialist. You may have a concussion or another serious brain injury, for example.

In these instances, however, our medical doctors will be able to pick up on your condition and will refer you accordingly. Once that concern has been dealt with, or you have had more time to rest, you can then come back and benefit from our exceptional treatment plan.

Use Your Insurance with Us

You can go through your insurance company to get your care covered with us. Forget paying out of pocket, and don’t even consider cutting your treatment short. By going through your medical or auto insurance, you can get the full range of treatment that you need and deserve to recover from your auto accident.

A licensed chiropractor and physical therapy treatments do more than offer a great experience; they help you heal. You will be more than satisfied with the service you offer, not just from our doctors but from our admin team. We will work hard to get your care covered, and if that means working with your attorney to help you win your compensation claim case, then we are all on board.

Although in most situations, you don’t have a time frame to worry about, if you want to go through your auto insurance, there is a deadline to keep in mind. This doesn’t apply if you first needed to seek medical health care from a hospital, as you have already begun treatment.

If you go home, however, then you must schedule an appointment with us within 14 days. Any later and you will need to go through your medical insurance instead, which does tend to be more expensive for you than going through your car insurer.

Book an Appointment

We offer pain management and recovery through chiropractic adjustment from a top Little Havana chiropractor, as well as medical injections. You will get exactly what you need from our exceptional board-certified team, and all you need to get started is to get in touch. If you catch us outside of office hours, just leave your information or use the online form, and we will get back to you the next working day.