
Ankle Pain

Ankle Pain Treatment

Ankle Pain Treatment

Ankle Pain Treatment
in Miami & Hollywood, FL

For those who are dealing with ankle pain, the effects can be disruptive to daily life. Any pain or discomfort in your ankles can lead to a lower quality of life and limited mobility since you use that particular joint almost constantly every single day. Ankle joint pain can result in missing work or school because of impossible mobility, which can certainly take its toll. While pain in your ankle can be caused by a medical condition, injuries can cause severe discomfort for extended periods of time, forcing you to sit out on activities or spending time with friends and family. 

Issues with the ankle are a fairly common problem and can be caused by an accident or other medical problems. People of all ages can experience ankle pain, although some causes are more common in older demographics as the body ages and becomes a bit more fragile. 

Ankle Pain Treatment Ankle Pain Treatment Ankle Pain Treatment

Who is at risk for foot and ankle pain?

Some people are more prone to suffering from an ankle injury like a sprain or strain, while others are more likely to develop a medical condition that can cause ankle pain. There are some factors that are lifestyle-related and preventable, but there are some that are more related to age and gender and cannot be helped. 

Unathletic people have a higher risk of experiencing ankle pain, including those who are overweight or obese. Much like the knee joint, ankle joints cannot handle undue strain and stress from carrying a lot of extra weight. Additionally, people who overwork the joint are at risk as well. Not stretching or warming up properly before any strenuous physical activity, pushing through exercise while fatigued, and not wearing the right footwear for the activity are all major risk factors for ankle pain. Anyone who has had a previous ankle injury, such as a sprain, also has a much higher risk of experiencing the same injury again than someone without a prior ankle injury. 

How to prevent heel and ankle pain

Since the most common ankle injury is a sprain, the best way to prevent an injury and the subsequent pain is to improve athletic conditioning, strength, and flexibility. Regular physical activity, including properly warming up and stretching the feet and ankles and surrounding muscle groups, can drastically reduce the risk of injury and sprains. It’s also important to maintain a healthy body weight so extra weight and stress aren’t put on the ankle joint. 

Symptoms of ankle pain

The most common symptoms of ankle pain are swelling and bruising. This is usually the first sign that your ankle has been injured. Other common associated symptoms can include:

  • Redness
  • Tenderness
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Inability to put weight on it
  • Stiffness
  • Weakness

Ankle pain causes

The most common cause of ankle pain is a sprain, which happens when the ligaments around your ankle joint overstretch or tear. Most sprains are lateral sprains, meaning the ankle is injured as the foot rolls and the outside of the ankle twists towards the ground. When you sprain your ankle, the affected area typically swells up and bruises. This can last anywhere from a few days to two weeks, depending on the severity. A severe ankle sprain could even take a few months to fully heal. Unfortunately, if you have previously had an ankle sprain, you are more at risk of another one, as a sprained ankle can be left permanently weaker than the other non-injured ankle, even after it has completely healed. 

Ankle pain, heel pain, or foot pain can also be caused by other factors or conditions like arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, gout, blocked blood vessels, an infection in the ankle joint, or nerve damage or injury like sciatica. The severity of the pain is dictated by the nature of the injury or illness. 

When to see a doctor for ankle pain

If the injury is not too severe and the pain is manageable, you may be able to treat your injury at home. You should rest the area and avoid moving it or putting weight on it for the first few days after the injury, then ice it multiple times a day to reduce swelling and pain. Compress the injury with a wrap bandage, and do your best to keep your ankle elevated above your heart to prevent ankle swelling. Over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen can also help reduce pain and swelling. Once the pain has subsided, gently begin to exercise your ankle by rotating it slowly in circles. If it begins to hurt, stop immediately. 

If your ankle pain, swelling and bruising do not lessen or go away after two weeks, or if the pain is caused by a disease like arthritis, you should seek medical treatment. Call your doctor immediately if the pain and swelling are severe, if you cannot put weight on your foot at all, if you have ankle pain when walking, if there is an open wound, or if there are any signs of infection, like redness, tenderness, and a fever. 

Contact Icon Medical Centers for ankle pain relief!

If you have been injured or are suffering from a medical condition that causes ankle pain, call Icon Medical Centers today. Our team of skilled experts—including physicians, therapists, and specialists—can assist you in diagnosing the cause of your ankle tendon pain, work with you to find the right treatment for your ailment, and help you get relief from the ankle pain you’re experiencing. Contact Icon Medical Centers today to book your appointment and begin physical therapy.